New Theater Hollywood responds to the need for meaningful work by creating a shared space for collective storytelling that exists between genres. Steadily building a wide community of artists and performers, New Theater Hollywood enacts its mission to create a radically new and engaged art for Los Angeles. This is a moment for theater.
Support our 2025 program by making a tax-deductible donation using the form on the left, or contact us about writing a check or making a bank transfer. Your donation will make a profound impact towards our future productions.
Donations of $1000+ (or monthly donations of $200+) will get you a season pass, with all its perks including first seat selection, merch, and free drinks at the shows.
Donations of $1500+ will get you a season pass, as well as a dedicated plaque with your name or message on one of our red velvet seats.
New Theater Hollywood is fiscally sponsored by Aphilibism, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.*
We welcome conversation—you can email us directly for more details about our 2025 program and budget, and to schedule a meeting with us and visit the space.
*Information about Aphilibism, Inc., its mailing address, telephone number, tax-exempt status, and the percentage of contributions that go to the charity's purpose and the percentage that goes to overhead can be obtained by emailing us at info@newtheaterhollywood.com. Its most recently filed financial report is available for inspection by contacting the attorney general's registry of charitable trusts RCT.